September 16-22, 2019.
Week 3! Already!
A HUGE congratulations to those race team athletes (and organizers of the event) who ran today in the Don't Get Lost in the Woods! Everyone on the team placed in the top three in their categories!! Way to go team!!
A HUGE congratulations to those race team athletes (and organizers of the event) who ran today in the Don't Get Lost in the Woods! Everyone on the team placed in the top three in their categories!! Way to go team!!
- I have emailed out a survey- please fill it out with your athletes- it's 4 quick questions.
- Athletes get your shirt-hoodie forms into me by this Tuesday please.
- Athletes get your music suggestions into me by this Tuesday too please.
- We're thinking of doing a Weiner roast out at the ski trails next week after a practice- stay tuned for this.
TUESDAY: Meet at Muskoseepi Pavilion ready to run. Don't forget your water bottles!
THURSDAY: Meet at Muskoseepi ready to count and to run! :D
SATURDAY: Please come prepared- everyone who was at practice this past Saturday- well done! ALWAYS bring runners and a helmet- we will do running warm-ups, regardless of the equipment you have. Also, please bring water bottles in HOLDERS! You can't roller ski while holding a water bottle and as water bottles are mandatory... things get a bit dicey. And please dress in bright clothing.