October 7-13, 2019
It's rest week!! Sort of... training will still be hard, but maybe a little bit less so... :D I'm excited to be getting in some cardio work this week and the snow is coming!
Please remember to book hotels as necessary for the races you are planning on attending. For those of you who have racers over the age of 12- please register your athletes for a racing licence here. This license allows your athletes to compete with insurance and keeps track of your athlete(s) over the years.
Please show up to practices prepared. As I said on Saturday, if you're not ready on time, the team won't wait. It effects too many people and short changes the group from getting what needs to get done, in the time that we have.
Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi- bring your water bottles and holders. Dress appropriately and wear gloves and most likely toques as well. We're still dryland- training even though there's supposed to be lovely white stuff on the ground... Fingers crossed
Thursday: Meet at Muskoseepi Park- See Tuesday's note. :)
Saturday: Meet at the parking lot on the correction line. It looks like we will be able to still roller ski. Please bring boots, poles, helmets and dress appropriately for the weather- still in BRIGHT clothing.
Monday: Thanksgiving Monday- I will be out roller skiing from 2-4pm if you'd like to join me please come! Please text me: 780-933-0853 so that I know you're coming.
Please remember to book hotels as necessary for the races you are planning on attending. For those of you who have racers over the age of 12- please register your athletes for a racing licence here. This license allows your athletes to compete with insurance and keeps track of your athlete(s) over the years.
Please show up to practices prepared. As I said on Saturday, if you're not ready on time, the team won't wait. It effects too many people and short changes the group from getting what needs to get done, in the time that we have.
Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi- bring your water bottles and holders. Dress appropriately and wear gloves and most likely toques as well. We're still dryland- training even though there's supposed to be lovely white stuff on the ground... Fingers crossed
Thursday: Meet at Muskoseepi Park- See Tuesday's note. :)
Saturday: Meet at the parking lot on the correction line. It looks like we will be able to still roller ski. Please bring boots, poles, helmets and dress appropriately for the weather- still in BRIGHT clothing.
Monday: Thanksgiving Monday- I will be out roller skiing from 2-4pm if you'd like to join me please come! Please text me: 780-933-0853 so that I know you're coming.