Nov 11-24
Hello Crew!
Those of you traveling to Canmore Dec 6-8. The races that we will be attending are ONLY on Saturday and Sunday now as they have changed the age for the Friday, sprints to U20. Friday will now be a training day, meeting at the Lodge for 1:30pm (in runners). This means that I will now be leaving on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Please make the appropriate changes to your room bookings etc. Thank you!
This is a 2 week blog entry- so keep yourself up-to-date here! I hope that you’ve all recovered from your rest week and an extra day off. Please note: I realize that the trails will most likely be ready for skiing while I’m away- however most of the team do not own the old style bindings and all have new skis that will be damaged on too little snow. As I am away until Nov 20th we will remain with the same time schedule until I get back.
Tuesday Nov 12: Meet at Muskoseepi with water bottles and runners. Please dress appropriately for the weather, wool socks and wear gloves. This is an important feature with snow now on the ground.
Thursday Nov 14: Meet at Thrill Hill! Bring water and runners and again, dress appropriately for the weather. We’re building cardio and prepping for Canmore races!
Saturday Nov 16: Meet at the 3-way stop on the Dunes Road- ready to run. Bring short poles and dress appropriately for the weather. Don’t forget water bottles!
Tuesday Nov 19: Meet at Muskoseepi with water bottles and runners. Dress warmly
*This section may change- so keep posted!
Thursday Nov 21: Meet at the ski lodge ready to ski- everyone please. I’ll trouble shoot this day when I get back. Bring- water bottles, headlamps, warm clothing and ski boots. The ski lodge will be open when I get out there- roughly around 5:15.
Saturday Nov 23: On snow practice 10-12 at the ski lodge. Come prepared to get some wax on those skis. I’m not sure which technique we will be doing- some come prepared for both.
Keep up with the snow dance!!