December 16- January 5th

Hey Gang! Check your emails for the team photos we took on Saturday. A sunny, funny photo!

This will be a Christmas Holiday blog post- so keep scrolling for each practice. If there are any major changes I will post in Teamsnap or make changes to this post.

1. If you borrowed boots from the lodge to ski on the old revolution skis. Please return these boots this Thursday.

2. If you would like a hoodie- please submit payment to Claire via cash, check (made out to Claire Richter) or e-transfer but he end of this week. We are going with Burgundy hoodies with white writing. We will have a logo on the front of old style XC Skis or a skate skier and the saying "I'd rather be Skiing" on the front. On the right shoulder will be the Wapiti Nordic Ski Club Logo and on the left arm for an extra $2 will be the athlete's name. If you're unsure if your athlete chose a Youth size or an adult size (all athletes are sized up) please just message me.

 Youth hoodies are $24 + $2 for the name
 Adult hoodies are $28 +$2 for the name
 Adult hoodies with the zipper are $38 + $2 for the name

If you are planning on TRYING OUT for the Alberta Winter Games (on Jan 4th), please register here so that you're in the system to tryout. On the form please ensure you register your athlete(s) for 3 events (classic, freestyle and relay) and we are zone 8. Once you qualify, there will be an $80 fee to help cover costs of food, transportation and accommodations (over the three days that we are gone). This check needs to be given to Claire at the trials event, as it will be mailed out the following day. There is generally very little, to no other expenses for these game except for snack foods on the bus ride, when we stop. This form NEEDS to be completed by December 31, 2019.

Tuesday Dec 17th: Classic skiing- technique session. Dress appropriately for the weather knowing that you will not be moving very quickly and headlamps are mandatory.

Thursday Dec 19th: Team Christmas party. Wear an ugly sweater, bring a potluck food item and bring a $10 Chinese gift exchange item.

Saturday Dec 21st: Classic ski- bring a snack and water bottle.

Sunday Dec 22nd: It's a classic SKATE wapiti fun-race challenge day!! Registration opens at 12:30/1-1:30 and the race begins at 2pm. Race fee is $5- please bring cash. I will be out there helping out and offering some waxing advice around 12:45. For classic skate races- I always suggest showing up early. The course will be similar to the Alberta Winter Games course.

         Tuesday Dec 24 - Thursday Dec 26th: there is NO training

Saturday Dec 28th: 10-12 usual practice. Skate Practice.

Sunday Dec 29th: I will be out skiing from 12:30-2. Technique -Classic. Again, please feel free to join me and come to work on technique with something specific in mind.

Tuesday Dec 31st: Practice will run from 1-4pm. I'm off work that day and am available for a busy afternoon of both techniques. Bring a snack for yourself, it's a long day when you're out skiing for 3 hours.

Wednesday Jan 1st: New Years Resolution Ski- fun race. I recommend this event to the team in preparation for the Alberta winter Games trials.

Thursday Jan 2nd: Regular practice times- 5:45-7:15pm. *We will be reviewing the race course for Saturday.

Saturday Jan 4th: Alberta Winter Games trials are at 2pm. Practice will run from 12:30-3pm. 

Race Details: Classic Event. Race starts at 2pm. Registration closes at 1:30. You will be in charge of waxing your own skis. Based on the current snow conditions I would suggest a CH6. Grip wax- will depend on the snow and how much we receive over the coming few days. 

  • U12 will race 2.5km
  • U14 will race 3km
  • U16 will race 5km

Sunday Jan 5th:  I will be out skiing from 1-3. Technique TBD. Again, please feel free to join me and come to work on technique with something specific in mind.