December 2 -8, 2019

WOW- It's race week already!! I'd like to thank you all for your patience and support for each other on Saturday's practice- we had a lot to do and it got done!! Congratulations everyone and again, thank you!!

Tuesday: On snow for 5:15/5:30-6:15. If you can be out at the lodge early it would be great as we missed out on being on snow on Saturday. We will have our team supper from 6:20-7 (check your emails from Mary-Ann Lynch and Sign-up Genius to see how you can help). During this time I will go over details of Canmore and what people are to expect. I will also have race course maps with me.

Thursday: Travel day (there is no practice Thursday or Saturday for those not attending the races).

Friday: Meet at the Lodge at the Canmore Nordic Centre for 1:30. Please ensure you have TeamSnap on your phones as this is how I connect with people regarding any changes that are occurring. We will have a team practice from 2-5pm (we have lots of classic skiing to learn and race courses to practice on). Please print off the race plan sheet found on TeamSnap for each athlete, for each race so that they get used to using this. I will go over this with the team on Tuesday. Team meeting at the Canmore Inn and Suite- main floor for a team meeting at 8:00pm. I realize this may be inconvenient for parents, but it helps the athletes (and their nerves), especially for the first race of the year, to get all the important details for the weekend.

Saturday: Race day- please follow your athlete's race plan developed as a team the day before. This plan will help you plan for your day as well. Once the races are over and the team is done racing, then you can head back to your hotel. It's nice for the racers to have teammates out on the trails cheering for them while they're racing. So bring a change of clothing and warm clothing. Team supper will be at Patrinos for 6:30pm. This is a tradition that we have done with the team since day 1. This helps the team bond and just be with each other. Shannon has booked a buffet of pastas (gf, vegetarian, meatlovers etc) for us and I'm looking forward to this meal! The team meeting will be over dinner time.

Sunday: Race day- again follow your athlete's race plan. Once your athlete is done racing, it is always nice to stay and cheer on the other athletes. We all have a long return home with work ahead of us, and the support for athletes is always preferred. I always leave this option open to parents, just let me know that you're leaving please to ensure that everything and one is taken home. This may seem like common sense but we've had issues in the past. That's it- I'm sure I've forgotten many things- but check TeamSnap and text with your questions.