January 6-12, 2020
Just in case you all weren't sure. From here on in we will be working on speed, endurance, some technique but mostly just skiing and getting in time on snow.
Well done on this past intense week of training- if you made every practice then you did 10 hours this week- of on snow practice time!! WOW!!! I hope that you're tired and ready to have a 'taper' week (it means a week of less exercising in preparation for a race week)- to get ready for Canmore.
Registration closes on Wednesday, January 8th at 11:59pm. You will need to register HERE for this event. Please ensure you pay Friday-Sunday for the trail passes. They are $7.50/day- parents and non-racing people also are required to have a daily trail pass.
*Please note: there is a sprint event on the Friday (10th). I personally will not be able to be there as this would require me to take another day off of work. If you would like to race this event- you are free to do so and I will suggest waxing options, but again, I will not be there to support you in any capacity.
*If you are planning on trying out for the Arctic Winter Games in Cross Country Skiing, you will need to pay attention to the next section.
To register for the Arctic Winter Games please click HERE and fill in the form. (as well as you will have to register for the Alberta Cup 3 & 4 in Canmore). If you intend to try out- then please fill in this form. We are a small group in comparison to the actual Alberta Cup event and there will be a small handful of people who are even aware that this a trials event for us. If you have any direct questions regarding the event, please direct your questions to Claire.
Please read the below selection criteria:
*Friday: Meet at the Lodge at the Canmore Nordic Centre for 1:00. Please ensure you have TeamSnap on your phones as this is how I connect with people regarding any changes that are occurring.
Saturday: Race day- please follow your athlete's race plan developed as a team, the day before. This plan will help you plan for your day as well. Once the races are over and the team is done racing, then you can head back to your hotel. It's nice for the racers to have teammates out on the trails cheering for them while they're racing. So bring a change of clothing and warm clothing.
Just in case you all weren't sure. From here on in we will be working on speed, endurance, some technique but mostly just skiing and getting in time on snow.
Well done on this past intense week of training- if you made every practice then you did 10 hours this week- of on snow practice time!! WOW!!! I hope that you're tired and ready to have a 'taper' week (it means a week of less exercising in preparation for a race week)- to get ready for Canmore.
Registration closes on Wednesday, January 8th at 11:59pm. You will need to register HERE for this event. Please ensure you pay Friday-Sunday for the trail passes. They are $7.50/day- parents and non-racing people also are required to have a daily trail pass.
*Please note: there is a sprint event on the Friday (10th). I personally will not be able to be there as this would require me to take another day off of work. If you would like to race this event- you are free to do so and I will suggest waxing options, but again, I will not be there to support you in any capacity.
*If you are planning on trying out for the Arctic Winter Games in Cross Country Skiing, you will need to pay attention to the next section.
To register for the Arctic Winter Games please click HERE and fill in the form. (as well as you will have to register for the Alberta Cup 3 & 4 in Canmore). If you intend to try out- then please fill in this form. We are a small group in comparison to the actual Alberta Cup event and there will be a small handful of people who are even aware that this a trials event for us. If you have any direct questions regarding the event, please direct your questions to Claire.
Please read the below selection criteria:
Arctic Winter Games Team Alberta North
Selection Criteria for Cross Country Skiing
Team Alberta North is able to send a maximum number of 12 athletes and 3 coaches (Jake Pruden, Shannon Armstrong and Claire Richter) to the Arctic Winter Games (AWG) in Whitehorse Yukon. The team will be made up of an equal number of female and male athletes with the emphasis on sending the strongest team possible.
1. Athletes must have their mailing address north of 55 degrees latitude to be able to qualify.
2. Athletes must be U14 (born in 2006 or 2007 *or have ability to surpass others in this age), U16 (born in 2004 or 2005), or U18 (born in 2002 or 2003).
3. Athletes will be chosen by competing in their one (1) best classic and one (1) best skate race of the Alberta Cup Races 3-4 in January, 2020. If a race or race weekend is cancelled, the replacement races will be Alberta Cup Races 1 and 2 held in Canmore, Alberta on November 30 – December 1st, 2019.
4. Athletes also must:
· Be the top two (2) or three (3) finishers of eligible athletes, in their gender based age category, and finish within 75% of the actual Alberta Cup winning time, in that said category.
· Should an athlete be within 10% of the qualifying percentage requirements in their category, an athlete may be selected at the sole discretion of the selection committee.
· Consideration may be given to named alternates if necessary.
· If categories are not filled due to a lack of athletes trying out or not qualifying within the percentage requirements, positions will be filled with the same gender from an equal or younger age category, beginning with the next top percentile athlete of that same gender, to a maximum of two (2) athletes. Where possible, athletes will be chosen first from the older age categories due to this being their final opportunity to compete at an international event with Team Alberta North and in a similar competitive environment. No athlete can be selected to race up more than one (1) age category.
· If spots are still available and gender spots cannot be filled, a special request will be put in to request an uneven number of gendered athletes be allowed to attend the AWG. Understanding that this is completely up to the discretion of Team Alberta North.
· A maximum of four (4) athletes per category at the discretion of Team Alberta North are allowed as per FIS and the AWG Regulations.
· *Athletes are able to race up one (1) age category but are obligated to still finish within the percentage required, to be able to qualify for the AWG.
· Relay teams will be selected by the AWG coaching team of the results from the athlete’s previous races at the AWG, in Whitehorse, Yukon with the intent of making the strongest teams possible.
Expectations of selected athletes:
· It is expected that all athletes and coaches selected to the AWG team for Alberta will attend a mandatory and a team training on-snow camp in Athabasca on February 29th - March 1st and staging event on February 8th in Grande Prairie or on February 11th in Fort MacMurray.
· Athletes and coaches selected for the team are expected to attend the AWG on March 15-21 in Whitehorse, Yukon. No athlete will be able to join the team part way through or leave early.
· It is expected that athletes compete in all events they are nominated in. Relay team selection will be made during the event.
*ALL Athletes will be contacted directly if they were successful or unsuccessful in making the team.
Tuesday: Is prep for Canmore day. We will have a small practice on snow for pre-race prep and our usual meal (check your email on what you're brining). Skis (classic and skate) will need to be waxed with rex blue please. Athletes: please print off 2 race plans- found on Teamsnap in the files section.
Thursday: Is a travel day. Those of you not attending the Canmore races, please go for a ski! There will be no coaching available for this evening though, so please stick together.
Due to the cold weather, races may change. We have agreed with Ft. Mac to host a race on Friday at 3:00pm if the organizing committee doesn't change the Sunday race. U14 and younger can't race past -15oC and so most of the team would not be able to race on Sunday and it's a long way to go for just 1 race. The organizing committee is making a decision on Wednesday at 5pm of what they will do regarding the Alberta Cup races (ie: host the Sunday race on Friday instead). Regardless of their decision, Wapiti and Ft. Mac Ptarmigans will be racing on Friday to ensure a fair trials for the Arctic Winter Games. Those athlete not trying out for the games, but traveling down to Canmore are also welcome to race on Friday. Stay tuned on TeamSnap for inevitable changes.
Please print off the race plan sheet found on TeamSnap for each athlete, for each race so that they get used to using this. I will go over this with the team on Tuesday. Team meeting at the Canmore Inn and Suite- main floor for a team meeting at 8:00pm. I realize this may be inconvenient for parents, but it helps the athletes to get all the important details for the weekend.
Saturday: Race day- please follow your athlete's race plan developed as a team, the day before. This plan will help you plan for your day as well. Once the races are over and the team is done racing, then you can head back to your hotel. It's nice for the racers to have teammates out on the trails cheering for them while they're racing. So bring a change of clothing and warm clothing.
Athletes trying out for the Arctic Winter Games- there will be a mandatory team meeting with all the coaches in the Wapiti Nordic Wax room at 4:00pm. Parents, please come as well and we will be there to answer as many questions as we can.
Team supper will still go ahead at Patrinos for 5:30pm. The team meal is a tradition that we have done with the team since day 1. This helps the team bond and just be with each other. Shannon has booked a buffet of pastas (gf, vegetarian, meat-lovers etc), last time it was delicious! The team meeting will be back at the same hotel again but for 8pm.
Sunday: Race day- again follow your athlete's race plan. Once your athlete is done racing, it is always nice to stay and cheer on the other athletes. We all have a long drive home with work ahead of us and the support for athletes is always preferred. I always leave this option open to parents, please just let me know when you're leaving- this helps to ensure that all gear and kids are gone. :)
Again, If things change, please check Teamsnap for updates and text Claire with your questions.