March 9-15, 2020.

I'm at a loss for words on how to get this blog started... it's heartbreaking to everyone that we will not be attending Arctic Winter Games this year. Everyone has been working SO hard and to not be able to attend is truly heart-wrenching to everyone- so please let's be positive and more kind to each other than usual!!

Although I feel like this is not necessary to say to you all, as you continue to blow me away with your enthusiasm and kindness. I have received MANY accolades this weekend from a ton of people who thanked me and complimented me on what an amazing team I have!! I know I have an amazing team- so much so, that it makes me swell with pride.

I want to thank you all, also, for your support in putting my name forward for the Coach of the Year award in North-Western Alberta. What an honour and I cannot thank you all enough for the pride I have of working with you and you guys truly make me look good and make coaching look easy!! So thank you. It was an honour to represent you all at this amazing event. The Coach of the Year award went to Luiz Martinez who thanked God, his family, his athletes and accepted the award on behalf of all of the coach nominees! He has an AMAZING resume and it truly was an honour to be considered in the same category as someone so decorated as he is and world known! WOW!

A HUGE thank you to the AWG team for putting on a great race event!! And congratulations to those who raced it, including Dr. Shay, who finished a heroic second, to head-waxer Jake!! What a great day and way to spend with you- thank you for helping out and giving back to the ski club! Please (parents and athletes) keep track of your volunteer hours and we will submit them for the ski club. This will help with funding and grant applications in the future for our club.


Tuesday: Skate practice. We're still going ahead with your training plan!:) Please clean off your grip-wax and wax your classic skis with Rex Blue, for Edmonton, in preparation. WEAR YOUR HOODIES!!! I need a team photo and I don't have one of us with our hoodies either. So please bring your Wapiti Coat and your Hoodie!

Thursday: Team Supper is still a go!! Waxing as well! Skate Skis will be done after practice. Skate practice.
(Thu. 6:45pm)
Soup or Chili - Gluten Free/Dairy Free 

Cheryl Briere 
Soup & buns 

JoAnn Cazakoff 
JoAnn / Lara
Side Tray - Vegetarian (fruit or veggies) 

Shannon Armstrong 
Soup & buns - Vegetarian 

Margaret Fehr 
Side Tray (meat, veggies or fruit) 

Amanda Udey 

Saturday: Classic Ski. Dress warmly!!