It's the start to the new season!!
Hello Race Team Athletes and Parents and potential new athletes and families,
My apologies on the length of this document. It is really important to please read and understand each section. My goal this year is to provide transparency and as much structure for the athletes as possible. As we are all living through these uncertain times together and each individual/family has different levels of comfort, I will do my utmost to ensure that the race team is diligent and supportive of their fellow teammates. I will make mistakes this year and I can guarantee you that I will do something wrong. I want to ensure that everyone understands that this is unprecedented times and to try and remain as flexible as possible and patient with me. The race team will be a dynamic and changing program this year, but I would like you all to know that ultimately, I am committed as always, to your athletes.
My intention for the athletes this year is to provide a constant environment of trust, friendship, provide an outlet and safe environment for physical activity, from September to March. The race team may just be a really fit group of kids by the end of the year without traveling and racing, but I will do my best to be creative and to provide as much excitement and physical activity as I can so that they have a semblance of normalcy. I want to ultimately support a training team for as long as possible. If we race, it will be a bonus and I will plan for a “normal season”, however I expect that this year will most definitely be different.
We have exciting changes and opportunities this year for the team (outside of whatever COVID-19 brings us). We are bringing on two more paid coaches this year to enhance the team and athlete experience. Caroline Seip who will continue working with the junior team, but has been volunteering for the past three seasons with us and Nathan Smith, fresh into his retirement from the National Biathlon team and wanting to provide the team with his elite experiences and training opportunities to heighten the athletes experiences. With these changes, we will have to evaluate the fee structure this season, but in order to do this I need to know what commitment there is from the athletes and families. This change will also allow for coaching coverage if one of us requires to be off, by law, if any of us have COVID-19 symptoms and alleviates any more change for the team and training.
Therefore, to commit your athlete to the team, there will be a $150 deposit to hold a spot on the team for them. This will be put towards your coaching fees for the month of September and part of October. This amount can be e-transferred to Claire: and this will need to be paid no later than September 7th. There will also be a contingency plan put in place regarding COVID-19 restrictions being changed and the potential need for reimbursement of program fees- but this still needs to be developed. The program still requires money to operate, but for example, if there is no travel this year, then this will be taken into consideration.
As COVID-19 continues to evolve, Wapiti Nordic Race Team will be providing team updates/changes via Teamsnap. Please read this information carefully as our race program has been impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.
Athlete Safety
§ If you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, stay home.
§ Always respect and follow the guidelines, recommendations and regulations from our local, provincial and federal health authorities and governments. If regulations change, the Wapiti Nordic Race Team program will change accordingly.
Due to the individual nature of the sport of cross-country skiing, training throughout the summer and winter months can be done in small groups where physical distancing measures are possible to implement. Many of our dryland training sessions consist of running, physical activity, ski striding, and roller skiing — all of which allow for group instruction without the need to gather in close proximity.
Nordiq Alberta released their Stage 2 plan in June 2020 – Alberta Safe Return to Play Protocol . It includes protocols that Member Clubs and athletes must adhere to in order to return to practice. Wapiti Nordic Race Team is aligned with these protocols.
If you have any questions, please call Claire: 780-933-0853.
*Definition of Cohort groups:
A COVID-19 cohort – also known as bubbles, circles, or safe squads – are small groups of the same people who can interact regularly without staying 2 metres apart.
A person in a cohort should have little to no close contact with people outside of the cohort. Keeping the same people together, rather than mixing and mingling, helps reduce the chance of getting sick, and makes it easier to track exposure if someone does get sick.
You should only belong to one core cohort. It is safest limit the number of other cohorts you belong to reduce the risk of getting sick or spreading COVID-19.
Guidance for Cohorts (PDF, 378 KB)
*Document for each athlete to fill out a minimum of 1 hour BEFORE each practice:
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