September 14-20, 2020

 There are a few changes this week. Please pay attention to the details.

1. COVID-19 screening tool is above this post, and just under the team photo on a hyper link that I can't change it's colour. It will remain there for the season- so you don't have to go looking.

2. Bottles: if you have any bottles to bring to the depo- the race team has an account. Bottles can be dropped off to either Plus 1 or Plus 2. Bags just need to be numbered with our PPC Number - #2140   Wapiti Nordic Race Team

Tuesday: Regular practice at Muskoseepi. Bring water bottles, runners and dressed appropriately for the changing weather.

Thursday: Is the mandatory parent meeting. This will be held outside of the muskoseepi pavilion. Perhaps bring a chair for yourself. Just 1 family member is needed so as to avoid a larger group than necessary. Team- you will be training, so come ready to run, bring water bottles and again, be dressed appropriately for the changing weather. 

Saturday: Is the team garbage pick-up as emailed out to everyone in the very first email sent out. Details are below. 8:30am Start!

We will be cleaning a section of  Hwy 666 for Alberta Transportation.

Parents, siblings and family members can attend - all participants must be at least 9 years old and be fit enough to walk at least 1km in a ditch at the side of the highway. The more volunteers we have the quicker we complete the clean-up. Please note that a portion of the funds raised will be credited towards your child's fees for the race team - so if your child does not attend or is not represented by an adult then your child's portion will be distributed amongst the attendees.

We will be respecting social distancing protocols and expect family members to travel and work together for the clean-up. If parents/guardians are unable to transport their own child then please make arrangements with another adult and provide a suitable face covering, for use when in the vehicle.


All participants are advised to wear stout footwear, high visibility clothing and work gloves during the clean-up. We will have a spare high vis vests and disposable gloves available, if required, but if you can provide your own that would be appreciated.


Please note that it is a requirement that all participants watch the training video before attending - If you don't watch the video you won't be allowed to participate!

The training video can be found at:


More information will be provided during next week's parent meeting (Thursday?).

Unless the clean-up is cancelled, due to fowl weather, then plan to meet at 8am, on Saturday 19th September, in the parking lot outside Tim Horton's at South 40. Here participants will be expected to sign-in and will be given instructions on their section to be cleaned. 
