October 12-18, 2020

Cardio building week is over- well done everyone! Ft. Mac got snow this weekend and so I'm hoping that it will hit us in the coming week or two!! :D Until then... we act like Dorey and 'just keep on training, just keep on training...' 


Uniform orders: They will be going in soon, if you would like to order, please email Claire no later than Friday, Oct. 16th. I have a Large adult team jacket for sale (it was donated back to the team so is a fundraising donation) for $100; brand new they're approx. $150. Please email me, if you'd like this jacket as part of your arsenal, it's nice to have parents in team jackets as well if possible. 

Hotel bookings for races: Canmore Inn and Suites has very low prices currently with a nice cancelation policy. It seems that there is no breakfast offered anymore due to restrictions. 


Tuesday: Muskoseepi Park- a few more weeks before we're permanently out at the lodge- but until then... see you at the pavilion. Bring water bottles and holders please. 

Thursday: Ski Lodge- Juniors: bring bikes (Mika and Will too) and water bottles; Seniors: bring runners and water bottles and holders. 

Saturday: TBD- Juniors: bring bikes, helmets and bright coloured clothing; Seniors: bring boots, poles, helmets, bright coloured clothing, water bottles and holders- unless there's a message that comes out stating otherwise.
