November 16-23, 2020.

It's SO great to be on skis!!! 

*Reminder- seniors on snow 5:45-7:15

                     juniors on snow 6:00-7:00

                     Saturday remains 10-12 for both.

*Weather reminder: Checking Environment Canada’s website at 4:00pm or 9:00am on Saturday, determines if training is cancelled or not. IF the temperature (not including windchill) is below -20oC for juniors and -25oC for seniors, then training is cancelled. Due to COVID challenges, practice will be cancelled. If the cold snap lasts longer than a few days, then zoom training sessions will be considered-but this will be determined at that point in time. 


Tuesday: Skate- technique will continue to be worked on but now it's time to put your cardio and endurance to the test. Expect to be away from the lodge for most of practice now and out on the trails. The temperature is supposed to drop drastically during practice- please dress appropriately. 

Thursday: Classic- technique and distance. We will be doing zone3 work, this workout but away from the lodge. AKA: intervals, to get ready for races. Races are officially 3 weeks away!! Juniors, come ready to learn how to ski fast!! It's going to be chilly also, dress appropriately for the weather. 

Saturday: Classic- As races are 3 weeks away, we are going to be doing a long 2 hour ski with the seniors. Bring snacks and water bottles that don't freeze. It's going to be a beautiful day for a ski adventure! Juniors- you too will be out adventuring so bring a snack that will help you keep up your skiing legs!!
