November 23-29th, 2020.
There's some exciting things happening- so pay attention to the following dates please! You're going to be responsible for being prepared. :)
- The race team (we will need parent volunteers to help run these events) will be hosting Classic Distance Races Dec 5th 10-12; Skate sprint races Dec 8th during practice time; and Christmas Relay Extravaganza on Dec 19th; 10-12. All races will be at the lodge and will start in the stadium.
*Just a reminder that Juniors start 6-7pm.
Tuesday: LSD ski (long sustained distance ski)-skate: focus is on no stopping and skiing in like-speed groups. We will focus on the North trails- Full moon loop is our goal. Juniors, you will also be going for a longer ski, as we are building up our skiing endurance.
Thursday: We are starting to do our race prep- as your first race will be 10 days out from here. Training focus from here on in, is getting you all race ready and confident! Like I said at the beginning of the year, we may be THE most fit team there is in Alberta!! :D Skate
Saturday: recovery day- LSD classic distance. Bring water bottles please. Ok- changes for this practice as we HAVE received exemption and can train. Juniors- your meeting spot at 10:00am will be by the entrance to the Forest Trails. PLEASE NO PLAYING ON THE HILL by the lodge- it gets crowded there and we NEED to keep our distance from each other. The exemption says nothing about who you travel with and cohorts, just as long as each group has a max of 10 in it, including coaches.
- Coach Nathan's group will be meeting by the trees over past the timing tower. Mika, Miriam, Signey, Aaron and Corwin.
- Coach Theresa's Group will be meeting by the ramp, off of the lodge- but in the parking lot. Sara, Johanna, Ella, Lara, Adam and Jameson.
- Coach Shannon's Group will be meeting in front of the timing tower, down in the stadium. Lauren, Kaitlynn, Troy, Nigel, Genevieve and Colson.
- Coach Claire's group will be meeting by the exit of candy cane lane. Liam, Seamus, Will and Mak
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