January 17-25, 2021
What a great week of racing guys!! Well done to everyone of you! It's not easy getting out there and racing against the team or anyone for that matter- but the environment that you all created around the whole three days, made for a great TEAM space and a feeling of belonging, joy and fun. So thank you all!! It felt great to see you all trying so hard and showing off everything that we've done up until now!
Nordiq Alberta has posted a new race season for 2021. Again, this is tentative, but perhaps some preparation for your own family and athlete may help. I will not be booking any hotels until closer to these dates. But if we're allowed to race and the province is supporting it, then I will do my utmost to be at all of the events, job pending.
February 20-21 Alberta Cup 1/2/&3 (Formerly 7/8/&9) Fort MacMurray
February 26-27 Alberta Cup 4/5 (Formerly 3/4) Canmore
March 6-7 Alberta Cup 6/7 (Formerly 5/6) Red Deer
March 27-28 Alberta Cup 8/9 (Formerly 1/2) Canmore
TUESDAY: practice is cancelled. I fear that we will sadly be doing a lot of skate over the next while... TBD. Come prepared to do Classic, but we may be skating... It will depend on the temperature damage out on the trails over this weekend but more-so in the coming days.
Recovery day! We will be going for a long sustained distance ski. Remembering that sustained means- a manageable tempo that allows you to breath moderately hard, but be able to keep that speed and tempo for over an hour. This is specifically NOT a slow ski- my expectation for this practice is that each group skis between 10-15km during this practice.
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