January 4- 10, 2021

YAY!! We survived 2020... now to take on what 2021 challenges us with I feel like it will be a breeze in comparison to last year's chaos mind you. Thank you everyone for the gifts and well wishes over the holidays. I feel like everyone has re-energized from the 'break', I hope your teachers feel the same way. :D


Tuesday: Classic- apparently the track is still ok after the rain this weekend. We've just finished week 1 of our 4 week cycle. I'm planning on putting on some races this month- I just need to hear what the province is going to do and then will move ahead with our constantly changing annual training plan. :)

These practices will be opposite to each other. Meaning- if your group is doing one thing one night, the following practice you're doing the other thing. 

Groups 1&2: Will be doing tempo training with Coaches Nathan and Claire for 60 min. Warm-up is on your own for 15 min- meeting at the exit of Penny Lane for 6:00. Juniors, you will participate in this practice as well to give it a shot- but your warmup will be with your coaches. 

Groups 3&4: Will be doing a practiced tempo ski- zone 3 for 45 min. Warm-up is also on your own- meeting in the stadium for 6:05 in your designated spots. After your tempo ski, do a nice cool down and ski down to the stadium. Please focus on technique during this session and to remember to try to stay in the track as much as possible and no snow-ploughing! 

Group 1: Troy, Colson, Makena, Lauren, Miriam

Group 2: Aaron, Corwin, Kaitlynn, Nigel, Genevieve

Group 3: Coach Theresa, Mika, Sara, Signey, Lara, Adam, Jameson, Will (meet by the timing tower)

Group 4: Coach Shannon, Aiden, Seamus, Liam, Johanna, Ella (meet by the fence by the lodge)

Group 5: Juniors... see above. 

Thursday: Classic- and as promised- it the opposite of Tuesday's practice. 

Groups 1&2: Will be doing tempo training with Coaches Nathan and Claire for 60 min. Warm-up is on your own for 15 min- meeting at the exit of Penny Lane for 6:00. 

Groups 3&4: Will be doing a practiced tempo ski- zone 3 for 45 min. Warm-up is also on your own- meeting in the stadium for 6:05 in your designated spots. After your tempo ski, do a nice cool down and ski down to the stadium. Please focus on technique during this session and to remember to try to stay in the track as much as possible and no snow-ploughing! Juniors, you will participate in this practice as well with the coaches. 

Group 3: Coach Shannon, Troy, Colson, Makena, Lauren, Miriam  (meet by the fence by the lodge)

Group 4: Coach Theresa, Aaron, Corwin, Kaitlynn, Nigel, Genevieve (meet by the timing tower)

Group 1: Mika, Sara, Signey, Lara, Adam, Jameson, Will

Group 2: Aiden, Seamus, Liam, Johanna, Ella

Group 5: Juniors... see above. 

Saturday: Just a reminder that Jackrabbits are also occurring at the same time. We need to vacate the stadium by 10:05am. At the end of practice, there was a bunch of hanging around- please don't loiter- grab your skis and get out of the stadium and the parking lot as soon as possible please. Parents, please just wait in your vehicles for your athletes during this time- as we (everyone, not just race team) were not following COVID regulations at all. I'd hate for us to be reported/shut down because of this. 

Skate practice. Distance Ski at tempo. Minimal stopping and in a sustainable speed workout.

Group 1: Aiden, Seamus, Liam, Jameson - meet by the timing tower

Group 2: Johanna, Lara, Signey, Mika, Sara, Kaitlynn, Lauren, Miriam & Genevieve- meet on the opposite side of the stadium from the timing tower

Group 3:Nigel, Adam, Aaron, Corwin, Colson and Troy- meet by the fence of the lodge

Group 4: Juniors: meet in the middle of the stadium.
