February 8-14th, 2021
Well.... this isn't going to be the most upbeat post. The polar vortex is deciding to stick around this week and I'm really not sure if we're going to be skiing a whole lot. IF we are skiing, it will be classic and will be at our usual times. There will be no race this coming weekend as we just need to get out and move!
Weather: Please don't text me to ask me if practice is a go. Go the Environment Canada and see for yourself. -20c or colder for juniors and -25c or colder for seniors by 4pm during the week or 9am for weekends. We DO NOT count the wind, humidity index, what any other website says or anything else that athletes randomly ask me- what the main temperature says, is the deciding factor if practice is a go or not.
For those of you who have not gotten outside in the past few days- fresh air and movement is really important for your mental health. I suggest 10-15 minutes, dressed really warmly and wearing multiple buffs to cover any exposed skin, daily, is recommended for your mental well-being. Sometimes cold snaps can make people feel like things are unmanageable, especially now as we navigate this whole new world.
If practice is a go, please don't forget to fill in the team wellness form.
We're allowed to wax our skis in this cold weather- check out the website for when the building is open. :)
Tuesday: Looks like practice will be cancelled.
Thursday: Looks questionable- but possible... Juniors most likely will be cancelled.
Saturday: Totally going skiing- dress warmly. 1-3pm.
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