March 1-7, 2021.
There are quite a few changes to training times and location, please pay attention to the details!
Congratulations to those who participated in the skiathlon!! Fastest transition time goes to the entire team for cleaning up that stadium in record time!!! I couldn't believe that I was driving off 10 min after the last racer went through the stadium. Awesome job team, parents and coaches! Thank you for a great Saturday and a special thank you to the Jackrabbits who had their lessons postponed just for us to be able to have our event. Super awesome team work all around!
*Don't forget to fill in your form please!
Tuesday: Classic- Birkie Ski with a twist! MEET IN THE NORTH PARKING LOT- EVERYONE FOR A 5:45 START. My old race team challenged ourselves to do the virtual 13.1km Birkie this past weekend. So we took pictures of ourselves out there and posted our times within our old gang (we live all over Canada now). Now, you guys get to race my time- not a big challenge I know- BUT, you can do it with your dog (rules below). Swix bailed at the 9.9km mark- please don't expect pooches to go the whole distance unless they're trained too- but the goal is going to be 13.1km for the senior team (yes, you can ski farther) and as far as the juniors can ski, all on the North trails. There will be multiple prizes- one for the farthest skied during the time frame given- (a few coaches will be keeping track of distance- you just have to yell out which lap you've completed as you ski by us- see map below). One prize for the closest person to my time; a prize for the dog who skis happily, for the longest distance; a prize for the cutest dog outfit; a prize for the person who skis the 13.1km with the best outfit... ski with your buddies, ski solo, ski with your puppy (or borrow someone else's), it's up to you- but the goal is to have fun and ski the wapi-puppy-irkie!
- if you're not back in time, there's no time or distance calculated for your last lap through;
- tell coach Claire your goal before setting off; even if it's getting your dog out for it's first ski;
- no skiing in reverse on ANY of the trails;
- no taking any cutoffs or shortcuts;
- parents are more than welcome to join if you're concerned about your athlete working with your family dog. Please be on stand-by if puppies need to have a rest in a vehicle and bring your own water for your dog;
- if you're bringing your dog- be prepared to pick up after them (bring your own poop bags);
- all dogs must be on leash in the parking lot and at least 4-5 corners away from the main ski entrance on the trails- then, if they're comfortable off leash, they are allowed. There are a few dogs who will want to play as you ski by each other, just make sure they're on leash when near the entrance of the parking lots- we don't want any running out onto the road.
- follow the routes on the map for the 13.1km; juniors you can do loop D, seniors only if it's a part of loop B;
- bring water, poop bags, costumes, water for puppies and be prepared to have some fun. :)
13.1km = Loop A + Loop B + Loop C
Loop D: Juniors Only
- 1-2pm: Inside/on the deck: chatting with Ivan
- 2-4pm: starting work with Ivan
- 4-5:30: work with Coaches Nathan and Claire on what was introduced so far.
Juniors: bring your water and be prepared for 1.5hours with coach Ivan. Coaches will be on hand to help the group out with Ivan. Bring your questions and comments. Parents, google Ivan with your juniors to see how cool he is so that they can ask him questions. You will be on snow- skate.
Friday: Seniors: 10-5:30pm
Seniors: bring lunch, lots of snacks, bring water and few changes of clothes. We will have access to the lodge again all day. Be prepared for both techniques! We will be doing some downhill and uphill technique today, along with starts and whatever else is on your lists- so come prepared with your questions. Classic in the AM and Skate in the PM. We will be most likely doing team sprint relays from around 4-5:30 to practice everything that you have worked on. From 5-5:30 we will be meeting to discuss what YOU GUYS want to work on Saturday morning with Ivan.
Saturday: Seniors: 8-10; Juniors 10:30-12.
Seniors: bring snacks and water- bring both techniques as we will have discussed what we're doing the previous evening, so you will all be in the know.
Juniors: bring snacks, bring water and come to work on classic today. Ivan will have some games and work for you guys- but we also need to stay out of the way of Jackrabbits- so we will be meeting at the far North end of the stadium (almost where CandyCane Lane starts). Bring your energy as it's going to be fun.
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