March 29- April 1st, 2021.

Well it looks like this is going to be my last post for this season as the weather is warming, the snow is truly thinning and it is April with the spring birds already back. :) I'd like to thank coaches Caroline, Doris, Nathan, Shannon and Theresa for ALL of your time, energy, enthusiasm and support this season to help us all get through a rather challenging year. Parents and athletes, thank you for your support as well in helping us keep your athlete(s) as healthy as possible. It's been a year for the books and like everyone else, I look forward to a more normal year next season!!

*If you have any boots and skis on loan, please be prepared to return them to Claire on Thursday. If you're not going to be able to make it to Thursday's practice, then please bring them to practice on Tuesday. 

*Mountain Biking club is starting mid April, so if you're interested in biking a few times a week with the club, then get signed up! There's limited spots for this program (see zone 4 to register). Aquarians will also be starting up their swimming program 2-4x/week. I encourage you to be active this spring and summer as much as you can. If you find something that you think may be of interest to other athletes, please don't hesitate to post it on TeamSnap!

*Starting in May-June 30, when the roads are cleared, I will be offering roller skiing training on Saturday mornings for anyone U14 and older if you'd like to join, please email directly, so that I know if you're interested in this. This program will cost $50 to rent each pair (classic and skate) of roller skis (unless you have your own) and you can keep them for the season with you, so you can go out on your own and $50/month for coaching time. I will let the team know via email initially and then will communicate via TeamSnap for weekly locations. 


Tuesday& Thursday: Skate- practices. We will try to maximize the skiing and gaming- bring your ideas!! Thursday is supposed to be +7 so bring your swimsuits for a swim suit edition ski. :D 
