March 8-14, 2021.

Thank you everyone who participated in our ski camp!! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did!! I think my favourite part is watching you all during the obstacle sprints! :D I still wished I had a trail camera for the rocking horse!!! Can you all imagine Ivan on that sucker!? Hahahahah...

*Somewhere recently I saw a small ziplock baggy with a few waxes in it. This bag was left over from the duathlon and I, or I asked someone to "put it somewhere special". Anyone have any ideas??? Please text me so that I can return it to it's rightful owner please. 

*Register for the Loppet this weekend! Registration is on and will be open until Wednesday at midnight. Details are below and on the website. 


Tuesday: Easy classic day. Don't klister your skis... we're going to explore a bit and no, rock skis aren't needed yet. You guys had a hard 3 days of training so you get an easy day at practice... don't ever said I never gave you a break!!!! :)

Thursday: Skate- prep for the loppet. Come before practice to wax your skis before the loppet. The wax room will be open around 5pm. 

Saturday: Skate Loppet. Start lists will be posted on Zone4 by Thursday or Friday. Race Team will have 30 second starts as we're a cohort. Distances for athletes will be 3, 5, 10 or 17km. Please register for the distance that you will enjoy doing and as fast as you feel comfortable doing.  No one will be doing the full distance (34km) except for coaches, if they've been training for it. If someone registers from the team in a distance that isn't appropriate for them, then I will have it changed. I'd like everyone to get out and challenge themselves to a distance that is appropriate for them but not something that is ridiculous. If you're 10 or 11 years old, please don't register for the 17km. I know you can all ski the long distances, but I'd like you to race the distance this time. Challenge yourselves and I will be registering you all and your race times into the virtual provincial championships that Ivan was explaining to us.  

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