September 27-October 3, 2021.

Hi Crew! Great job on the cardio week. We're now entering testing week!! YAYY! Just a reminder- a lot of you said that your favourite workout was the fitness test day... so...

                             Moana Youre Welcome GIF - Moana Youre Welcome Maui - Discover & Share GIFs

:D I'm funny... I know


Parent Meeting follow up

  • We will be using TeamSnap again this season and I'll update the program this week.
  • Registration: there will be 2 forms on zone4 to register with: 1 the Race Team and 2 the ski club for the annual membership. Lori, our treasurer will be sending me the links and I'll forward it out to everyone. Some of you will have amounts acquired from previous fundraising that will go towards your funds. You can do a 1 time e-transfer fee with no extra charges to the ski club for your fees, or you can do multiple payments- but there will be zone4 fees attached to each of these payments. Details to come in the next week or so.
  • Monthly fees are going up $10/month and so your October fees will be $165 (unless you paid Claire $155 in the deposit) and the other months following that will be $155/athlete. A percentage of fees will be returned at the end of the season if there is NO racing due to COVID-19. 
  • There will be a uniform order going in AFTER the ski swap for any athletes who just can't get their size.
  • Bottle Recycling Depot number is #2140 for the race team.
  • Alberta Winter Games are not occurring in the future at all, at this point in time. 
  • Arctic Winter Games- the backup race for trials (that will be held in December 2022) will be in either Ft. Mac in February or if Edmonton hosts a race, at this event in March 2022. 
  • A copy of the team manual will be uploaded into the files on TeamSnap.


TUESDAY: Meet at the St. Joe's football field. It's across the road from the Coca Cola Centre. Coach Shannon will be running this practice with Coach Caribou and Coach Theresa. You will be warming up on the Muskoseepi Trails and then doing the 3000m or 1000m run test. This test will require everyone to be well warmed up and remember, it's running for the best time that you can do. I'll be looking at your times from last year and comparing how things have changed and then looking at your goals for this season and adjusting our training so far. What I do know is that you're all getting fitter very quickly, so I'm excited to see that happening. Great Job crew!!

THURSDAY: Meet out at the ski lodge please. This is the actual fitness test that a lot of you are familiar with. The "other will" is the only one who isn't familiar with it, so please make an effort to help him out. Go for the most that you can, in the time that you're given. I also compare past results and figure out where we're at for your fitness goals- so remember to go fast and hard during these tests.

Juniors: Please bring your mountain bikes for this practice. You will not be expected to do the testing. ;) Instead you'll be expected to get coach Caribou lost out on the trails!! Have fun with that!!

SATURDAY: *Hopefully I will be off of quarantine by this practice- if I'm not, the gear swap will unfortunately have to be postponed but I will send out a TeamSnap by Friday to let everyone know. If it's a go- there will be no TeamSnap posting- no news means good-news! Bring your gear for the gear swap. Anything that is too small and we will be sizing you up. We will trial a few options for sizing- so bare with us and the chaos please. The goal of this event is to ensure that the equipment gets given to the best fitting athlete. 

Juniors: Please bring your mountain bikes for this practice. Seniors: Please be prepared to do some running before or after sizing occurs. 
