October 25-31, 2021
HOW in the world is this the last week of October????? It was suggested that we have a bring your dog to training- for Halloween. Unfortunately with dogs and skiing it worked really well, I just don't know how to make it work with training and your training plans. Maybe submitting your photos dressed up (ie: Abbey below) can be an option, or this can be discussed at training on Tuesday. I'm open to realistic options. :)
Thursday: Meet at the ski lodge- I realize that it's super inconvenient to get out there now- but please plan your time (approx. 20min from downtown) to get out there. Also- there is a way you can get out to the ski club not via Hwy 40. If you hit Costco road and go South to the end. Then turn right (this is the correction line) and take your first left- the road you eventually come out on is the Wapiti Nordic road- you will be west of the ski club, so just turn left when you come to your T-intersection and voila, ski club!! :)
Seniors: bring short ski poles
Juniors: bring bikes please
Saturday: Meet at the 3-way STOP sign on the Dunes Golf Course road. There is a pull off with lots of space for vehicles. Seniors- bring water and runners and Juniors- bring your bikes please. Remember to dress accordingly to the ever changing weather!! Juniors, I encourage you to dress up in your halloween costume as long as it's safe enough for you to ride your bike, seniors I don't recommend a costume due to the strenuous workout that's planned.
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