December 13-19, 2021.
A huge congratulations to those athletes who raced in Hinton!! Well done guys!! Also, a great last two practices of races team!! I love what I'm seeing and I love that you guys, although say you don't want to race, are game to race and put your hard work to the test. Please pay attention to the blog, there's a lot of details in it for this week.
Weather reminder! Juniors- when the temperature at 4pm or 9am on Saturday, on Environment Canada is -20c or colder, practice is cancelled. Seniors is -25c. Windchill does NOT get factored into this or any other weird weather issues- As the trails are so protected from the wind, it's a non-issue unless there's a wind storm.
Juniors- Tuesday will be your last practice with Coach Caribou (unless you're racing in Canmore) until next year!! Well, January 4th anyway. :) Just in case you wanted to wish her a Merry Christmas or give her a fist pump.
Team Hoodies- if you're wanting to get a Russel Hoodie- orders with payment are due Dec 20th. If you or your family are interested in purchasing this, please email Claire with your size (adult sizes are universal and $34.50) (Junior sizes are $30), your name for the sleeve and then you can Etransfer to Orders will be going in on Tuesday Dec 21st, an email went out last week regarding the image.
Team Snap- all parents, there is a new section under assignments (on each practice event). As per last year, we are expected to clean the lodge on Tuesday's and Thursday's after practice, until the end of this year. Amber has set up a sign up to help us out please. Please put your name down for a practice or two. In the New Year, we will be expected to do just Tuesday's (unless they find someone to close up the lodge after us). Thank you for helping out!!
Team Snap will be used to communicate with the team while in Canmore. Updates, alerts, messages etc. We will use zoom for our team meeting on Friday evening and Saturday evening at 8pm.
Topic: Team Race Meeting
Time: Dec 17, 2021 08:00 PM Edmonton
Every day, until Dec 18, 2021, 2 occurrence(s)
Dec 17, 2021 08:00 PM
Dec 18, 2021 08:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 1054 7130
Passcode: z9Cwnq
Parents: those going to Canmore- please read the race notice- from what I understand, there is no spectators, or everyone needs to be masked outside included. If you plan to ski, please purchase your own day licenses at the day lodge. I believe they will tell you where you can ski and see the races- but I'm not entirely sure about this- I don't know if I can even be out on course while the athletes are racing. I'll know more by Friday.
Athletes unable to join us in Canmore: There will be no supported practices on Thursday or Saturday. Seniors, you are encouraged to do these workouts on your own though. Please let me know how they go. Juniors, if you don't have an adult to ski with you, then enjoy the rest of the week off. :)
- Thursday- Seniors- 20-30min warmup. Ski 5-7 laps of the lit loop with a zone3 effort up every hill and focusing on going up and over the top. Juniors- a non-stop ski for the entire hour. Text me how many km (or laps) you skied please. I'll be keeping track!!
- Saturday- Seniors- long sustained distance ski- tell me how many km you skied via text or email. Juniors- same. I'd like to know if you were able to get out and how far you were able to ski. If you're skiing with an older sibling- keep track for them and NO stopping!!
Tuesday: We will be splitting into three groups.
Group 1: will be all athletes unable to join us in Canmore. You will be going for a zone 1 ski with Coach Doris and Coach Theresa and seeing how many km you can do in a practice! Goal is 12-15km for seniors and 8-10km for juniors. You can classic on rock skis- but it's pretty slick even with fish scale skis. Your choice though, it's been a LONG time since we've classic skied.
Group 2: will be outside with Coach Shannon and Coach Caribou doing some race prep drills on your classic rock skis. This group will be outside for 45min. Then will switch with group 3 and come inside to wax your skis.
Group 3: will be inside for the first part of practice with Coach Claire, trying to remember how to wax your skis for 45 min. Then will switch with group 2 and go outside to do your race prep drills on your classic rock skis.
- scrape and clean off whatever wax is currently on your race skis. If you don't know what's on them, I most certainly don't. Scrape them off and you will be waxing with Rex Blue given to you by coach Claire.
- Clean off your classic skis- there should be NO grip wax anywhere on your skis!! I mean anywhere!
- Race skis and poles will travel together with coach Claire or another vehicle going down.
- If you own warm-up skis- please bring your classic skis only. You will wax these with your own ch6 equivalent wax please. If you have a place to wax skis at home- please do these pairs at home. Make sure they're marked with your name and warm-up on them too please.
- Remember! I haven't waxed your skis in 2 years- which means I don't have a clue what your new skis look like- ALL skis need to be labeled with your name. I also recommend poles being labeled- it helps when gear is left behind.
- I'm not your mom, nor is any other coach! You are expected to ensure that your classic and skate poles and classic and skate skis are put in the correct bags before you leave at the end of the evening.
- Packing night is always a bit chaotic- parents, please expect a bit of chaos and help ensure that all gear is packed and areas are cleaned up BEFORE leaving for the night.
- There is NO team meal- due to COVID rules, we will not be eating as a team, for this race anyway.
- Packing list: pack your race suit, your team jacket, buff, headbands etc, your boots (classic and skate if you own 2 pairs), extra mitts and gloves, sunglasses, chocolate milk x2 (after race recovery drink), deodorant, 2 pre-race snacks (gummies, waffles, guu, bars, banana... or whatever your pre-race energy snack is), toothbrush etc. :)
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