March 21-27, 2022.

WOW! I love the display of athleticism that was shown this weekend during the Giant Slalom and the Obstacle Course of Doom!!! (I needed a cool name) Hands down there was some fierce competition out there and cannot get Casty's flailing imitation of a whale image out of my head, whilst completing the army crawl on skis!! 😂 He did still have the best time overall... just saying- winning doesn't need to be pretty. 😉 Or maybe Corvette's face-plant... Sniper still won, hands down for finesse!!


This week! The snow is melting SO fast it's heartbreaking!! We will be creative and flexible!

Tuesday: Bring a friend to practice. Similar to Thursday's practice- please bring gear if you have any to share.

Thursday: I can't remember what the coaches and I had discussed... 🤦 It sounded boring like an adventure ski, games or something terrible, instead of fun and exciting intervals!!! be prepared to be on rock skis, bring your own if you have any. And bring a water bottle for yourself.

Saturday: Bring snowshoes if you own some. We're going adventure snow shoeing!! There are 17 pairs of snowshoes at the club that we will borrow, if you don't own your own pair, so don't stress. Bring a water bottle!!  There will be some snow left in the bushes and water... so come prepared. 
