December 5-11, 2022.

It's race season!! I cannot believe that it's already here! I'm excited and I hope you guys are too!!

For this week, things will be different, so please pay attention to the details. Thank you everyone who signed up for the meals already! I super appreciate the support!

  1. A reminderThose athletes wanting to tryout for Arctic Winter Games will need to register. Please fill in the forms with AS MUCH detail as you can. This will help the selection process go smoothly. Athletes, you can take the time to fill in your athlete profiles- not your parents. Parents I recommend that you double check their work please. 😉 You can access athlete registration HERE.
  2. I am still missing 10 Roller Skiing Vests. Please double check your supplies and hand them in! 
  3. Christmas Team party- has been set for Thursday Dec. 22 from 5:45-7:15. Bring snacks and a gift for the exchange. The team decided on $20 limit for the gift.
  4. Registration for Prince George closes December 14th! Registration is HERE. It's a small race with a punch of fun! I sure hope to see everyone out in preparation for Arctics and for a great weekend of fun racing!


Tuesday: There will be 2 groups: 1. those not racing in Canmore and 2. those racing in Canmore.

Group 1: you will start training (classic) and head out with your group for a long ski via headlamp. At 7:15 when you come back, we will be having a team supper and hope that you will stay with us. Supper will be at 7:30 which gives you enough time to clean up your gear, put it away and then sit down for supper.

Group 2: you will be out on snow warming up (skate) and will meet in the stadium for 6:00pm all warmed up. We will be doing some team sprints (yes, I know that it's classic sprints, however you can clean your skis off at home on Monday so that Tuesday is quicker) and then we will be inside for 6:45 to get your skis waxed- both pairs with Rex Blue. Please no goofing around- we need all skis to be done for 7:30 so that we can eat and be out at a decent time. Parents, if you can stick around to help load up the gear, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping that we all are able to leave the lodge between 8:15-8:30pm. 

Thursday & Saturday: There will be a skate practice for those not attending Canmore races. Please text Coach Doris to let her know if you CANNOT make it. Thank you!

Friday: Those racing in Canmore, please meet at the team wax room for 2:00pm (Claire will TeamSnap that info out around 1:30pm). We will do a team training (skate) session and ski over both of your course distances and discuss any challenging areas or questions you may have. When you're done, your skis and poles must be put away in the wax room and have discussed with either Coach Claire or Coach Shannon that it's ok that you leave. This helps alleviate any issues. Team meeting will be around 7pm- but again, will be communicated via TeamSnap. We will invite the Ft. Mac crew to join us too and then have an Arctic Winter Games meeting also- details TBD as I need to speak with the Ft. Mac Coach to plan this. 

Saturday: Classic sprint day. It's a long day, so please ensure athletes have lots of snacks and food to fuel them. Team meeting will be around 8pm via zoom. We usually try to do a team meal, if there's anyone who can book this, that would be great. 

Sunday: Skate distance day. When your athlete has completed their race, please ensure that they have cleaned up their gear, that it's put away properly and then tell either Coach Claire or Coach Shannon that you're on the road. We always encourage people to stay and cheer each other on. 

I'm excited to get this weekend underway!! 3-2-1- WAPITI!!
