January 9-15, 2023.
What a fantastic weekend of racing team!! Man it was fast and furious out there and you all did us proud!! I'm personally equally as proud of you all for taking on the extra team members this weekend! We couldn't have done it without the help of all our amazing parents too. So thank you all for stepping into action and helping with 5:30am waxing, to running heats seamlessly, hill climbing, cheering for all of our 29 athletes this weekend, grip, messaging for urgent needs or lost athletes and for helping everyone out! I really enjoyed this past weekend! Thank you all so much. 💚
Edmonton Race Entry- please register HERE this week! The race notice and information can be found here. I am staying in the Holiday Inn Express hotel in Sherwood Park as it was cheaper and actually closer to the ski trails- just an FYI.
Tuesday: Classic Practice- those who came to Canmore- pull off the fiberlene, cork your skis and you will have fabulous skis for practice!! Yes, you're welcome and then have fun cleaning them after practice!! 👏 You will need clean skis for Tawatinaw.
Thursday: Skate Practice- after practice AWG team will be loading up the gear for our ski camp and putting it in either Coach Theresa's box, Coach Shannon's truck or Coach Claire's box. Please plan to leave the lodge around 8pm.
Friday: AWG Team will be meeting and leaving from GP at 12:30. I'm pretty sure there's a more efficient way for athletes to meet and leave and we will make travel plans on Thursday after practice.
Saturday: No Practice as all coaches are away except Coach Doris who has snowshoe biathlon practice!
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