February 13-19, 2023.
I don't know where this month is going, but it's going by really fast!! We have races in Red Deer this weekend, please ensure that if you're going, that you're registered! Congratulations to those racers who did the "CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE DUATHLON"! Even with the rain it looked like a great time! Thank you coaches Doris, Shannon and Theresa for putting that together for everyone!
Red Deer registration closes Feb 13th (Alberta Cup 7&8). There is also a fun Friday night race as well, that we will be attending as a club. For those U10 there is an epic skills course, for those U12-16 there's a 2x 1.75km relay course and yes, this time I will bring the relay tights! U18 and up (coaches included) can do it solo. It's a great way to prep for races for the weekend and will be our race prep. Costumes are a must and I encourage glo-sticks, light up anything and it starts at 6:30pm on Friday. To register for the races, click HERE. I will be staying at the TownePlace Suites (6822-66th St)
Tuesday & Thursday: Skate (we may not know how to classic by the end of this week)! Thursday we will be packing up for Red Deer. Rex Blue both sets of skis please- so you may as well get your classic skis cleaned off and waxed on Tuesday. Also please pick your relay team outfits before we leave! If you don't have a team for Red Deer, there will be a lot of athletes out there looking for partner. You do not have to be of the same gender, club or age to be a team.
Our last team supper will be on Thursday. Please sign up here, if you haven't done so yet.
Friday: Meet at Riverbend golf course for 2:30pm- course is open at 3. I would like you to ski your farthest distance course please and then we will have a brief chat about it. We will be skate skiing and I will not be waxing your skis for the 6:30 relay fun event. We will have a quick team meeting after the fun event by our wax tent (in the parking lot) and I hope that everyone will get some supper into them before the relay event.
Saturday: Classic short distance 10:00am start. Team supper has been booked for 6:00pm at Boston Pizza: 7494-50 Ave and is under "Wapiti Nordic". Thank you Lynda for booking this for us. We have 40 spots booked, so bring everyone. 🥳
Sunday: Skate longer distance 9:00am start. Please let a coach know when you are leaving, I will greatly appreciate help packing up our tent and gear please. Thank you to all parents who are volunteering at this event in preparation for next year! I am so grateful for this also!
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