March 13-19, 2023

Hello Gang!

I hope that you're all enjoying your training time without me around to give our burpees! 😉 I miss you and hope that you're enjoying the beautiful March weather and amazing snow conditions. 

This week: please follow Aiden and Will at nationals by seeing their results on zone4. They had a first great day of racing on the 11th and race again the 13th (skate sprints), 14th (Classic team sprints) & 16th (Classic distance). They're excited and with over 100 in Aiden's category it's competitive!! Will was 7th YOB yesterday and Aiden 9th! 👏


Tuesday: Classic skiing- wherever you would like to roam!! Yup, it's a see how many km's you can ski during practice and ski your favourite trails (goal is 20km for those older skiers). Please have 2 or more in a group as we're down a few coaches (however Coach Caribou is back!) and bring water and a cell phone if you have one. Have a great ski and text me at the end of practice who got in the most kms and I'll have a prize for the farthest distance skied group (junior and senior) when I get back! 😉 You have to figure out the kms and let me know.

Thursday: Skate skiing- games day. Man-tracker x a few games, followed by linked arm skiing down the forest trails hill, followed by caribou and wolves, followed by whatever you may have time for. No one skis alone!!

Saturday: Skate skiing- I wonder if crust skiing will be an option today? If it is, please don't wear your best skis! If not, then a ski adventure on the north trails is prescribed for this beautiful March Saturday. Ski in pairs or more and just enjoy putting on some km's with the beautiful weather! Bring water and snack.
