March 20-26, 2023
I'm not sure if I should put in JAWS music or some scarier notes in that! ๐
I hear that y'all have been just playing games since I left... I feel like we need to throw in a good ol death march this week, or a 20km time trial! OR better yet... burpees and the chocolate milk toss up... oh wait- you should ask Aiden and the Will's about that at practice. Thank you coaches for holding practices and being creative with the team. The pictures were fabulous and brightened my days immensely. Thank you all for your support while I was away.
SPRING DRYLAND TRAINING: Are you interested? It will start in May. There will be no fees for this and will be informal, like last year and will include training plans. For U14 and older athletes. Email Claire to confirm if you'd like to be involved.
MARCH 24 & 25
All drop off and pick-ups will be at the North Parking lot (dog trails)
Drop off athletes at 5:00 PM on Friday March 24.
Pick up for athletes under the age of 12 will be 9:15 PM Friday evening .
Pick-up for others will be 11:00 AM Saturday morning.
We will be hiking to the Scout’s cabin near the east side of the Nordic Club’s lease (close to the Camelback trail). We will be eating supper upon arrival at the cabin.
Menu: chili, buns, hotdogs and buns, raw vegetables, fruit, dessert – a Sign Up Genius will be set up by Tuesday
Supper will be followed by indoor/outdoor games and activities.
Packing List for all:
Winter boots
Warm clothing
Warm jacket
Weather appropriate outdoor footwear
Footwear for in the cabin – could be a slip on type shoe
Water bottle -
Thermal mug – for hot chocolate
Junk food – as per tradition for the year end party
For those staying overnight:
*Backpack (suitable for carrying sleeping bag, pillow, mattress, clothing and personal items)
*Mattress (self-inflating or foam)
*Sleeping bag (doesn’t have to be super warm as the cabin has a woodstove, and I’m told it gets very warm in there)
Change of clothes
Extra socks
Warm pajamas
Warm long underwear
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, small towel, facecloth, etc.)
Breakfast foods – bring your own – we don’t have a fridge, but can heat water
Please RSVP to Coach Shannon by text by Tuesday, March 21 to let her know if you are coming or not. If you do not have items marked with an asterisk (*), please let Coach Shannon know at that time as well, as we are able to borrow these items for your use.
TUESDAY: I'm aiming for skate skiing and am hoping that you can all skate ski on your good skis still. From the pictures I saw of today, it looks good still.
Thursday: Bring your classic and skate boots as we will have to share the revolutions. We're adventure skiing- so bring your plans of where you want to go adventuring to. Last year we did 1 big group, this year we can do the same or we can break up into a few groups. Let me know at the beginning of practice.
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