October 23-29th, 2023.
❅❆❄It's here!!!❅❆❄ But not enough for us to ski on properly... so we will wait and be patient. SO SO SO good to see it today though! 😁
- Saturday practice we will be having a 10-2pm practice. If athlete's cannot stay, please grab them for 12 noon. I'd rather athletes be able to attend for 1/2 a day even. It's our Halloween day camp!!!
- Uniforms were ordered on the 18th and will be here next week already. Invoices will be emailed out soon.
- Athletes who are U14 and older and require a Nordic Canada racing license. Please ensure that you register soon as there are 2 courses that athletes are required to take through NCCP (1 is an hour+ and 1 is 20min). The rule of 2 and Safesport. Parents- please feel free to sit in on this with your athletes so that you know why us coaches are sometimes a bit awkward in trying to figure out logistics and how we can support athlete needs and be supported to best serve the athletes in the safest way possible. We super appreciate all the support!
Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi- runners, water bottles and lots of energy!
Thursday: Meet at the lodge- I know this is a tight fit for some of you. We fit everyone in last time. Bring a mountain bike for those not running.
Saturday: It's the Halloween Training Camp 10-2pm at the ski lodge. It's more of an excuse to workout longer and wear our costumes for an extra day!! 🎃 12 and older- bring short ski poles (preferably shorter than your armpits) and those not running, bring a bike; 11 and younger, bring your bikes- you're biking on the trails for one last time this season! Lunch will be provided by the coaches, athletes bring your own juice or water. Everyone, bring an indoor yoga mat, as we will be doing some much needed yoga after lunch and an unconventional athlete program will be provided prior to the 2pm pickup. I suggested 30 minutes of burpees... but I got told no, and the coaches have taken over this one! 😖 If there are any food allergies, please contact Claire or Doris to discuss what you can chip in, to help us pull this off. Athletes bring costumes, runners and water bottles please!
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