December 11-17, 2023
Hey Gang!!
It feels surreal to go from a winter wonderland weekend back to brown GP!! Thank you for the updates from those who stayed in GP and worked out. It's still not too late to fill me in on how you spent your weekend!! We had a great weekend of learning how to ski AND racing- it was a bit backwards however.still a lot of fun. I hope I didn't break the coaches... they worked SO hard this past weekend and so did your parents, we couldn't have done it without any of them!!
If you are planning on TRYING OUT for the Alberta Winter Games (on Jan 6th), please register HERE so that you're in the system to tryout. Athletes must be born between February 12, 2011 - Jan 31, 2008. On the form please ensure you register your athlete(s) for 3 events (classic, freestyle and relay) and we are zone 8. Once you qualify, there will be an $80 fee to help cover costs of food, transportation and accommodations (over the three days that we are at the event). There is generally very little, to no other expenses for these game except for snack foods post races. This form NEEDS to be completed by December 31, 2023.
Team Christmas Party: Dec 21st. Wear an ugly sweater, bring a potluck food item and bring a $10 Chinese gift exchange item.
Tuesday: Meet at Muskoseepi. It's recovery day and running and headlamps and ski poles are all necessary. Don't forget your water bottles
Thursday: Meet at Thrill hill. We're running... still. Bring poles, water, headlamps and dress appropriately for the weather!!
Saturday: We're skiing!! Bring your boots (both sets if you have 2) and poles (again both) and any old skis you have- the older the better to be honest. We only have 13 pairs of rock skis if they were all returned. We're going to ski on wood lake. It's at the end of RR54 off of 68Ave- open your maps- it's pretty obvious. Please do not park near the corner- safety first, nor in any driveways. We will be walking in the ditch- with our gear, out onto the lake. We will do our best to have something for everyone- however with 28 on the team this year, we need people to bring old gear too please. If you have extras, please pack them so that someone else can benefit- I don't care what tehnique- 1/2 will skate and 1/2 will classic, but at least we're skiing!!
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