December 25-January 1, 2024

Merry Christmas Team! I hope you all had a wonderful day with family and friends! Please pay attention to the details!


If you're planning on racing in Canmore January 12-14, registration is now open and closes January 6th. this event is the Western Canadian Championships and so there are three days of racing- training day in Canmore on Thursday so we can practice uphill technique... You guys are looking fabulous on flats!! Races on Friday are for U16 and older only. Races Saturday and Sunday are open for all ages. You can register HERE for this event. 

If you're not able to go- the Biathlon crew are in need of more volunteers. Please email and give a few hours of time to their race they are hosting... if there's enough snow... here in GP.


Tuesday: No practice

Thursday: Practice time change- 1:00-3:00pm at Saskatoon Island Provincial Park. Flying Shot Lake. We might as well go and explore! We're running out of frost and snow... Bring gear for both techniques but we will try to get everyone out skating- classic seems a bit of a challenge unless you have fish scale skis.  

Saturday: My apologies for all the changes this holiday season. I realize that it's hard to make plans and enjoy your own time when things keep changing. I will be holding 2 practices today to accommodate as many athletes as possible. You will need to message Claire directly which practice (both is fine) you are planning on attending (780-933-0853)-asap, so that I can have enough coaches for each session and ensure that Nitehawk has our numbers accurately for billing. Also- check your email and fill in the waiver please for this practice.

1. Practice 10:00-12:00am- at flying shot lake- skate skiing- rock skis

2. Practice 6:00-8:00pm- at Nitehawk. On snow for 5:55pm. Skate skis- your own skis!!🥳

Monday: We will be skiing at Nitehawk and there will be no race. 1:00-3:00pm Classic skiing. This may replace our Tuesday's practice- only if we lose more snow off the lakes. You will need to message Claire directly if you are planning on attending (780-933-0853) this practice.

Our New Years Day Resolution ski- will be out on Wood Lake as there's still no snow in the forecast! 😭 
