January 15-21, 2024

Wow this month is just flying by!! And the cold weather maybe isn't going to be as cooperative as I was hoping for... dress warmly please and pay attention to the details in this blog. 




Race registrations: sorry I forgot to add these in on Sunday!

1. Edmonton please register here.

2. Red Deer please register here.


Thank you Alberta Winter Games Coaches for hosting a fun pool party for the team!! SO glad that it happened this weekend to jazz up these winter blues! Congratulations to our entire team representing us at the 2024 games! AbWG TEAM please come to Tuesday practice with your Wapiti Coats so that we can do a team photo!! 


Tuesday: Ski, wax/pack up night and team supper!! Plan to eat supper even if you're not going to Canmore- it's like a mini party and what else are you going to do?! 😃 Most skis should be waxed and ready for the races- so it will be a 45min ski, a quick pack up and eat and then head out. Not a usual late night as there's minimal to no waxing needed!! It's skate skiing- but still on rock skis. WEAR YOUR WAPITI JACKETS & bring your BP food order!

Thursday: Those NOT going to Canmore it looks like it's going to be too cold to ski. Please head to the Eastlink and either get a swim in or a run. There will be no coaches for this practice, it's on you to organize yourselves to get out and get moving! 

Saturday: Those NOT going to Canmore, skate skiing on rock skis- dress warmly practice is from 10-12. Meet in the timing tower as Jackrabbits is happening at the same time. Coaches please just check out the trails and get the athletes re-acquainted with them. 



Parents: if you plan to ski, please purchase your own day licenses at the day lodge. I believe they 
will tell you where you can ski and see the races- we also need to purchase a Kananaskis parking pass- these can be done ahead of time, or when you're there. Team Snap will be used to communicate with the team while in Canmore. Updates, alerts, messages etc. 
Friday:  meet at the wax room for a training ski at 2:30pm. I will send out a team snap when 
I get there of which wax room to meet in. You can leave your ski gear in the lodge- please 
make a Wapiti spot at one of the tables. There is an athlete social in the Bill Warren Training Centre- the Haig Room at 4pm- all athletes are welcome to attend this. The team meeting will 
be via Zoom at 7:30pm, unless things change and a team snap will be sent out about this. The 
goal of training day is to know your race course. We will also be focusing on challenging parts 
of the course. Coaches will be there to help athletes out with technique, course identification, challenging spots etc. Parents, if you're skiing please ensure that you purchase your own day passes. 

SaturdayRace times will be identified the evening before as it's a mass start, each category will have the same start times, so check in with each other to discuss your warm-up and cool down plans (check in with Ft. Mac athletes too). Please ensure that you're at the wax room with 2hours to spare. You will test your skis for grip wax approval (or disapproval) and then do your warm-up, and then race. You are in charge of your gear and your race. Coaches 

will be out on course, we will have someone at the start line to touch up waxes as needed. U8-U10 athletes will have a race obstacle course this day. 

There will a team supper at 6:45- Ken sent out a form for us to pre-fill in- please get it to Will on Tuesday. Details to come in TeamSnap.  

Team meeting will be most likely in Boston Pizza. 😁 

SundayAs it's a skate day, I'm asking that you show up at the wax room 1.5 hours before your race so that you can test your wax and have a great warm up. Again, ensure you discuss your warm-up and cool-down plan with others in your age category so that you aren't on your own and check in with Ft. Mac too!

We generally try to hang around after each other's races to cheer however, as we're all rushing back, once your racers are done racing and have checked in with Coach Claire or Coach Shannon, cleaned up their gear and packed away their skis and poles, you can head on home. 
