January 22-28th, 2024.

What a fabulous weekend of racing in Canmore!! Thank you Coaches Shannon and Theresa for an exceptional job in Canmore and thank you Coaches Nathan, Doris, Caroline and Krista for holding down the cold front in GP. Thank you parents for getting athletes and gear to and from safely and everyone made their start! I look forward to all stories being shared over a SKI this week!!🥳 There will be NO weekend practice for any athletes staying in GP, most coaches are in Edmonton. Read for all the details please.

Race registrations: If you're having struggles (it's a thing so don't worry about it), Coaches will be able to help out Tuesday evening. Please come with your questions.

1. Edmonton please register here.

2. Red Deer please register here.


AbWG TEAM PHOTO TRY #2. Please come to THURSDAY'S practice with your Wapiti Coats so that we can do a team photo!! Super sorry Etoile about last week.


Tuesday: Ski and wax night. We will classic ski from 5:45-6:30 working on technique and just getting out on our trails! I'm so excited to finally be able to be on our trails with the proper skis on our feet! Please plan to stay a bit later this evening as we will be cleaning off the classic skis and then waxing them for Edmonton (but not scraping them). Classic ski 5:45-6:30 on classic race skis, clean off the grip wax, glide wax with rex blue wax and then go home is the plan.

Thursday: Skate ski, wax/pack up night and team supper!! Plan to eat supper even if you're not going to Edmonton- it's like last week and seriously, what else are you going to do?! 😃 Skate ski 5:45-6:30, then glide wax them with rex blue, while waiting for them to cool, scrape off your classic skis, the scrape off your skate skis. Please clean your workspace, then pack up your gear and then help out the next athletes. This will be a usual late night as there's a lot of packing up to do!! I will need vehicles to help with gear please as we're waxing outside and need our tent. We will also need a generator (I just realized this weekend that mine is in the US with Blaine). WEAR YOUR WAPITI JACKETS TEAM ZONE 8!

Friday: Meet at Edmonton Nordic, Goldbar Park for 2:30pm, ready to skate ski. We will skate ski the course, do some pre-race day prep and then depart. I will need parent support for "waxrooom" set up help please. This takes a team of 4, but it's slick when you get everyone helping, while we're out with the team on the course. Thank you!! Team meeting will be via zoom, I'm guessing 7:30, however this past weekend we were late. The zoom link will be sent out via Teamsnap as that seemed to work best for everyone, moments before we're ready to do the meeting! Coach Shannon outdid herself creating her very first powerpoint presentation ever AND delivering it! Thank you coach Shannon, you did a fabulous job!!

SaturdayRace times will be identified the evening before as it's a mass start, each category will have the same start times, so check in with each other to discuss your warm-up and cool down plans (check in with Ft. Mac athletes again too). Please ensure that you're at the wax room with 2hours to spare. You will test your skis for grip wax approval (or disapproval) and then do your warm-up, and then race. You are in charge of your gear and your race. Coaches will be out on course, and we will have someone at the start line to touch up waxes as needed again as this seemed to work best. Food trucks will be present again!!

There will a team supper at the Pasta Pantry in Sherwood Park (Thank you Lynda for booking this for us, 6:30pm). It's delicious and they do GF, DF, etc etc and are a good price and fit us all in. The reservation is for 40, if we're more (and I think we may be, please just let me know).  Team meal is all you can eat- $19.95 and kids are $8.95 plus $3/drink. 

Team meeting will be at the Pasta Pantry. 😁

SundayAs it's a skate day, I'm asking that you show up at the wax room 1 hour before your race so that you can have a great warm up. Again, ensure you discuss your warm-up and cool-down plan with others in your age category so that you aren't on your own and check in with Ft. Mac too!

We generally try to hang around after each other's races to cheer however, as we're all rushing back, once your racers are done racing and have checked in with Coach Claire or Coach Shannon, cleaned up their gear and packed away their skis and poles, you can head on home. 
