January 20-26, 2025.
IT'S HERE!!! IT'S FINALLY HERE! 🥳 I am SO incredibly excited that our ski club is hosting it's first Alberta Cup in over 10 years!!! Thank you parents (and everyone else) who are making this a possibility! We have 39 racers from Wapiti registered and over 100 competing! Woohooo!! This is awesome news!
*there is NO team supper on Thursday and we are waxing both Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
*there is team training on Friday at 4pm to prep for the races!
*there is NO team supper on the weekend
Tuesday: Skate practice; on snow and doing your warm-up between 5:30-5:55. You will meet by the arch (biathlon side) for the workout. At 6:30 you will head back to the lodge to wax your classic skis and clean off any risidual Klister that coach Claire left behind on your skis. Coach Shannon did a great job cleaning off your skis, but coach Claire did a better job spreading that stuff EVERYWHERE!! 👍
Thursday: Skate practice; on snow and doing your warm-up between 5:30-6:00pm. Meet in the xc stadium for race prep, we will practice starts and finishes and get some race prep in. At 6:30 you will head to the lodge to wax your skate skis. We will have a quick team meeting at 6:55pm.
Friday: IF there is anyone free and available between 10am-2pm- please come on out to the club and you will be given a job. I cannot guarantee what the job will entail, but you will have a job! 😀
4:00pm meet at the lodge for practice. We will have your skate skis and it will be like any other Friday before an AB Cup race. You will ski 1 lap of your course, we will do some ski prep and then you'll head home. NOW, I know that many athlete parents are running the show and will not be able to porter athletes around- so please chat on TeamSnap (mine is up and running again) and sort out rides amongst each other and if there's any parents able to drive, please let the chat know.
8:00pm team meeting via zoom- here. I know the schedule, so I can plan accordingly. Sorry again about Calgary.
Saturday: FOLLOW your race plans (found under the files section of Teaamsnap) and make sure you leave more time than usual to get out to the trails. 100 people is a lot of traffic cor our little area. ALL athletes are asked to help with the 1pm U8-U10 races and we will have you out on course with the littles. Otherwise- follow your race plans. Your skis will be in our tent just above the outhouses in the parking lot- so meet coaches there for warm-ups, pick up your skis there, or come and get different grip there. This is our home for the weekend!
8:00pm team meeting via zoom- here. It's the same code as Saturday's- so don't be alarmed about the date thing. It still works.
Sunday: Again, follow your race plans. All race team members will be asked to stay after their races to help clean up and take things down. It takes hours to set up and only 1-2 to take things down. We appreciate all help and support. Again, if you're collecting hours for volunteering, these apply and one of the coaches will be happy to sign your form afterwards.
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