Another summer has blown on through and school is starting… so is ski practice!! :) Hope you're ready!
There is a lot to cover, please read in entirety and it will hopefully answer all of your questions.
- There will be NO mountain excursion this year much to my disappointment; I am too busy this season with Mika’s schedule to fit this in. My apologies.
- I would like to know who is interested in coming back/joining the team (junior or senior) to help with planning- please email me back with names before Sept 7th - thank you.
- There is no fee changes this year- I am away a lot and will have guest coaches assisting where they can. Senior fees will be $100/month Sept 1-March 31 inclusive- checks are to be handed in at the team meeting, dated for the first of each month, there are no exceptions to this. There will not be a sibling discount this year. All checks are to be made out to WNSC- Amounts can be paid in full if you would prefer. Junior fees will remain at $40/month to cover assisting coach expenses when on the road.
- Wax box fees were decided by the parent groups to be reinstated this year- this is a 1 time annual fee implemented. Junior Race team pay $25; Senior race team pay $100- in September on a separate check please to WNSC.
- Training will continue to be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday- for both junior and senior teams. Until Daylight savings time/snow arrives- we will meet 5-6:30 for seniors and 5-6 Juniors on Tues/Thurs and Saturday will be 10-12 for both. Tuesday will meet at Muskoseepi and Thursday will be out at the ski lodge; Saturday will be out at the correction line where the dunes paved trails parking lot is, for practices.
- The team will use the app: TEAMSNAP to communicate this year. It looks sharp and I need a few lessons on how to load all the information up on to it for you all. I will invite you as things get set up (I’m not ready for this yet).
- Race Dates:
o Frozen Thunder-Oct 27-29; is an option if people are interested- this will be discussed at the mandatory parent meeting (see below for dates).
o Canmore Dec 2 & 3- AB Cup 1&2- backup trials for Arctic Winter Games and Alberta Winter Games
o Edmonton Dec 16 & 17- AB Cup 3&4
o Red Deer/Westerns Jan 20-21- AB Cup 5&6 + Westerns
o Prince George Feb 3&4- BC Cup 2
o AB Winter Games- Feb 16-19 Ft McMurray
o Kananaskis Feb 24 & 25: AB Cup 7&8
o AWG March 17-24- Hay River/Ft Smith
6 PAC Dates:
o Nov 26- Skate
o Dec 10- Classic
o Jan 1- Pursuit or team sprints
o Jan 7-Classic/Trials for AB Winter Games
o Jan 14- Sprints- Classic
o Feb 11- Sprints- Skate
o Mar 11- BACK UP DATE
- For the junior aged athletes- the wolves have a Cross Country running program running Mon & Wed- it’s a great cross training program if you’re interested I can email you the information- ages 7-14.
- First day of practice will be Tuesday September 12th at Muskoseepi; Thursday will be at Thrill Hill and Saturday will be at the correction line for this first week.
- Mandatory parent meeting will be Tuesday, September 12th at Muskoseepi.
- Ski swap/equipment sizing will be Tuesday, September 19th at Muskoseepi. Please bring your athlete’s equipment regardless if you just bought them new equipment last year- I do not want to be sizing kids mid season, or before their first race. If you have the opportunity to take your gear into Fast Trax, they will happily size you there as well. They have a 20% discount on equipment prior to the end of October. Ernie’s has some equipment as well and historically they have discounted us 10%- I will have to confirm this again for this season.
If you have any questions from this email, please write it down and bring it to the meeting on September 12th. Thank you everyone,
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