February 5-20, 2018.

Hello Everyone,

Please check your emails for important information regarding games etc that I've added. I emailed out the notes from our team sit-down chat on Jan 25. If you have any questions please just email them to me and I'll get to them as I'm able.

A HUGE congratulations to those who raced with biathlon in Canmore and to Makena for her two silver medal finishes at Easterns in Quebec! Very proud of you all for your hard work and love seeing you all succeed. Remember to always have fun and that fun isn't measured in medal counts- but in how much you tried, the effort you put in and what you get out of it. Enjoy the games experience and take it all in!! See you when I get back. :)

Important: Alberta Cup 7/Cookie Race- registration will close on Feb 21, which is two days after I return and the day following our wax evening. Please register (separate events) on zone4 for these events. The Alberta Cup 7 is not including Peewee's this year, I have registered Mika up a category as she is going to be racing that category next season anyhow. Also, please email me to indicate whether your athlete(s) will or will not be joining us so that I can plan appropriately. Thank you!

Alberta Winter Games info: Will be emailed out by Jim in the coming week. Please pay close attention to the early departure of the buses on the morning of Friday and the late return on Monday. If skis can be waxed with CH6 in Ft Mac, this would help greatly with packing up on Tuesday to go to the Alberta Cup/Cookie Race.

Tuesday Feb 6- Classic skiing. Bring your headlamps for this practice. 

Thursday Feb 8- Skate skiing. But be prepared for both techniques.Bring your iPod or phone or anything with a metronome on it. We will be doing more metronome work. 

Saturday Feb 10- Those athletes going to AWG staging will miss out on practice. Please go for a ski later in the afternoon. Those going at 10am- be prepared to ski for the full 2 hours, bring water and a snack. Skate skiing. But be prepared for both techniques.

Sunday Feb 11- 6PAC race. To be determined by the race committee. 

Tuesday Feb 13- Wax night- the team will do a short session on skate skis and then wax and have a team supper. Jim will confirm any questions and details at this evening. See team meal plan scheduler for this evening. 

Thursday Feb 15- Rest day for those going to the Alberta Winter Games. Those not going can go for a ski together. Plan this in advance please. 

Friday Feb 16- Bus departure is early. Details to come via email. Have an amazing time at the 
                                      Alberta Winter Games in Ft. McMurray!! 

Tuesday Feb 20- Be prepared for both techniques. I may suggest a ski on revolutions to avoid going out on waxed skis if this was able to be accomplished by the waxing team in Ft. Mac. Team Supper and waxing night. See team meal plan scheduler for this evening.