March 7- 13, 2022.

A huge congratulations to those who raced this weekend in the Wapiti Loppet!! Well done you guys, it looked like a great turnout for it too! I'm super proud of the athletes that took part in this event and represented the team! Well done! There are photos on the Wapiti Nordic website.

A huge shoutout to the parent team in Drayton Valley- what a well oiled machine you guys are!!! From warming up athletes, carting gear around, assisting with gear, waxing, finding my phone to magically having the tent up and functioning to it all packed away (and everything in between)! I'm so grateful for how things went. Thank you!

Congratulations to the athletes who raced and represented Wapiti in Drayton Valley!! What a fantastic weekend of racing!! I'm so joy filled watching you guys put your heart and souls out there and am sad to have missed those racing the lopped. 

And finally, I would like to do a shout out to our alumni Nick Bardak, who will never see this post, but am just super proud of him. Nick joined the Wapiti Nordic Race team in 2008 when he was 11 years old. He continued to race his way up throughout the seasons and was provincial champion for his age group over numerous years. he medaled at Arctic Winter Games and nationally as well. Nick joined RMR when he was in his late teens and has raced with them ever since. Today he raced his last Alberta Cup race as a senior athlete and will be retiring this year from Cross Country Racing. Skiing has brought so many opportunities and experiences for him and it was an honour for this old coach to watch him race his last AB cup wearing the Leader Bib. As Coach Shannon showed us all today, racing can be done at any age and one can start at any age. I'm so grateful fort his awesome sport and for each and every one of you. Please don't ever think that I stop caring about you guys after you move on with your lives. 💖

This week:

Tuesday: Recovery ski. You guys are telling us coaches what you would like to do for a ski. Come prepared with some ideas. Let's classic for this practice.

Thursday: Not a recovery ski- but we're skating. My schedule is on my desk at home and I'm doing this on the road- so come prepared with a water bottle and I'll have the plan figured out. 😀

Saturday: 🐾 Wapiti Puppy-irkie! The irkie will start at 10:00am sharp in the north parking lot. Awards will be on race outfits/costumes, kms skied with a dog, kms skied without a dog, best dressed dogs and other things. Bring your own water bottle and 1 for your dog as well. 🐾
