November 4-10, 2024.
Reminders : 1. Bring your hoodie choices to practice please. 2. Return all roller skis. 3. If you would like a uniform order sheet, please text Claire. If you are owed or owe for a uniform received please talk to Claire. Orders need to be completed this week. 4. We will not change the practice times until we are consistently on snow. BRING HEADLAMPS!! ______________________ Tuesday : Meet at the Ski Lodge as we're skiing- bring what boots and poles you have please, If you own rock skis, bring those too. We will ski for this practice and the technique will be determined by what skis you get. Thursday : Meet at the ski lodge- but ready for a running workout. With +7 in the forecast, we won't be able to ski. Saturday : Meet at the North parking lot of the ski trails. Bring runners, water bottles, dress for the weather, and short ski poles.