Week of Nov 29-Dec 5
IT'S RACING TIME!!! :) Thank you everyone for registering early! It's awesome and there are over 200 athletes registered. AB Cup 1 & 2 are going to be amazing!! Tuesday: Be prepared to stay late. On snow at 5:45. I suggest coming early so that you can leave earlier... Between 5-5:45 you should hot wax your classic skis (and if you are super speedy your skate skis) with rex blue and put them in the team ski bag that will be upstairs. You will also need to put your poles in the team classic ski pole bag too. 5:45-6:30 we will be practicing starts and corners. Bring a headlamp. 6:30-7:00 we have a lot to talk about. This will be a sit down session- bring paper and pen and your goals for the weekend written down. After 7:00 you will be eating and waxing your skate skis. Mika and I will be hanging around for this part too so if you have any waxing questions Mika can help. :) *Parents , I recognize that you will be wanting to leave early so that kids get home to...