
Showing posts from March 13, 2016

March 14-20, 2016.

We're baackkk!! And due to fatigue… this is a non inspirational post. ;D Welcome back everyone, excellent job of racing and team work! It's rest week this week and then back to the grind until Sharkfest. :) PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU'RE PLANNING ON ATTENDING SHARKFEST . I need to know numbers and names.  Race Notice  for AB Cup 7/8. Tuesday - Is skate practice. We may or may not have skis by then… will see what happens. Boots will be there though. It's rock ski season- so please bring your old skis. Thursday - Is our annual swimsuit edition ski!! Bring your swimsuit and camera. :D Saturday - Skate. Sunday - Loppet- 8:30am start. I believe it will be a skate race and may be cancelled. I'll know by Thursday practice.  ____________________________________ Junior Race Team : Please note that due to a lack of snow and Easter coming, this Thursday will be the wrap up for the junior race team. If you or your athletes are interested in going to the ...