November 12-18, 2018.
I'm not sure where time is going- but all I know is that next week we're preparing for our first provincial races!! WOW! This week: Tuesday : Come prepared for both techniques. My goal is classic skiing (but I'm not sure if that's realistic with the loss of snow last week). 5:45 on snow. We will do our best with classic and then may go onto skate skis if it's really disastrous. :D Wednesday : Non-required parent meeting discussing the major concerns that parents have, Board Members Lori (finances) and Doris (history) will be there to clarify any concerns or questions that parents have. 6:30 at 68Ave Starbucks- Mission Heights . Thursday : Skate Practice- judging by the weather... and let's hope it doesn't rain on Wednesday! 5:45 on snow please. Saturday : Come with your skis ready for both techniques. I would like to be able to classic ski but it will depend on if that snow comes or not on Thursday and Friday as planned by the weather-people. :S ...