
Showing posts from December 7, 2014

December 8-14, 2014.

What a great week of training AND a great weekend of racing !! A huge thank you to Lori, Clayton, Carrie, Darrel and Jake for pulling off a great weekend of racing in not the greatest conditions! Congratulations to Lyndon (Slip n Slide), Makena (Big Mak), Jordan (Marco), Hannah (Cling-on), Jake and Nicholas (Meathead/Niki)-who still has one more race- for conquering some impressive goals this weekend too! Check out for some impressive race results or bring sunglasses to practice on Tuesday as it's going to be pretty flashy with all those medals! IMPORTANT: For those of you who still have roller skis- please bring them to practice on Tuesday and load them in the back of my car! Tuesday : Classic technique- bring water bottles and be ready for intervals!:) … and maybe an umbrella Thursday : Skate technique- see above. ;) Saturday : Skate technique- bring a snack and water bottle! Confirming athletes for Edmonton Races : Please if there are any changes let m...