
Showing posts from October 30, 2022

October 31- November 6, 2022.

Ohhh boy you guys have done really well and deserve this rest week! Rest week, you ask? Yes, this means that we still workout and exercise without it being too strenuous. It's important to let your bodies recover, but to still exercise with reduced exertion.  Parents :  The ski club is hosting a ski swap among its members and a few people will be out Friday evening and Saturday morning to help sell ski ties and TICKETS . If you still have tickets or you're still looking for equipment, this may be a good option for you, or if you have gear to sell. For tickets, Amber will be at practice on Thursday, Nov 3- to pick up empty booklets and money AND any remaining unsold tickets if you'd like. Equipment drop off is Friday at the ski club. Check Facebook for details.  * Also a reminder - that tickets are not mandatory to sell so you should not feel that you have to purchase them yourselves. Whatever we sell this year will help us do all the travel to the races and enabled us to k