
Showing posts from December 9, 2018

December 10-16, 2018.

Wow! Time is flying and we have so much work to do!! Fortunately, the weather is going to cooperate with me this week and we can get some serious work done! :D *There is some important info below- please take note of it all.* The Ski Club has informed me that not many members of our team have their memberships . This is MANDATORY and needs to be accomplished ASAP- go to ; click on about; click on memberships and follow the link from there.  Volunteering - Just a reminder that you should be signed up for the Biathlon race weekend that the ski club is hosting- for a shift or two. This is a team event, not for fundraising. Training times will vary because of this race. Email:  a nd let her know you're available. See Nov 19-25 blog for details- it's in the archived section found on the top right tab. Christmas Party ! It's the main event of the year... well, one of many- BUT one not to be missed!! Thursday, December ...