Nov 11-24
Hello Crew! TRAINING START TIMES WILL REMAIN THE SAME FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS! _______________________________ Those of you traveling to Canmore Dec 6-8. The races that we will be attending are ONLY on Saturday and Sunday now as they have changed the age for the Friday, sprints to U20. Friday will now be a training day, meeting at the Lodge for 1:30pm (in runners). This means that I will now be leaving on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Please make the appropriate changes to your room bookings etc. Thank you! ________________________________ This is a 2 week blog entry- so keep yourself up-to-date here! I hope that you’ve all recovered from your rest week and an extra day off. Please note: I realize that the trails will most likely be ready for skiing while I’m away- however most of the team do not own the old style bindings and all have new skis that will be damaged on too little snow. As I am away until Nov 20th we will remain with the same time schedule until I get back...