January 7-13, 2019.
Wow, what a week!! First spring hits, then some snow and now it looks like we're entering into a deep freeze for a bit... Why can't winter just make up it's mind? :D Great racing to those who showed up for Sunday's Classic Skiing Event! Wonderful job everyone. Please note the Saturday Practice time change below. Those athletes racing in Canmore, please register. Alberta Cup 3&4 Those athletes participating in the fun, very large Loppet Event, called the Birkebeiner, in Edmonton ( Yes, development team this would be an event I'd recommend you try out ), I suggest that we should start registering for this. IF you are participating in the races the following week in Drayton Valley, I strongly suggest registering in the 13km event. If you disagree, you will need to speak to me first please. Check out the website for more info and photos and to register. Canadianbirkie Please note: parents you do not need to register for this event with younger athletes, ev...