
Showing posts from September 3, 2017


Another summer has blown on through and school is starting… so is ski practice!! :) Hope you're ready! There is a lot to cover, please read in entirety and it will hopefully answer all of your questions. There will be NO mountain excursion this year much to my disappointment; I am too busy this season with Mika’s schedule to fit this in. My apologies. I would like to know who is interested in coming back/joining the team (junior or senior) to help with planning- please email me back with names before Sept 7th - thank you. There is no fee changes this year- I am away a lot and will have guest coaches assisting where they can. Senior fees will be $100/month Sept 1-March 31 inclusive- checks are to be handed in at the team meeting, dated for the first of each month, there are no exceptions to this. There will not be a sibling discount this year.    All checks are to be made out to WNSC- Amounts can be paid in full if you would prefer. Junior fees will remain at $40/m...