
Showing posts from November 30, 2014

December 1-9, 2014.

Thank you everyone for being flexible and rolling with the weather (and everything it brought with it) that we've received in the past 7 days! Canmore was rescheduled for this coming weekend. So far Bardak's, Lundstrom's and Pruden's will be attending. IF there is anyone else , please call me so that details can be figured out. IMPORTANT : On February 21 & 22 Grande Prairie is hosting the Alberta Special Olympic Winter Games and the ski club is hosting the skiing. At the beginning of the year I put this out a mandatory team volunteer (Volun-told) experience, parents are encouraged as well to help. Please ensure that you're names are down to volunteer by contacting Grant Bourree:  and confirm your numbers. Again, this is a MANDATORY TEAM EVENT which was introduced to everyone at the beginning of the year. REMINDER - if the temperature is below -15oC we will be classic skiing unless I state otherwise (i.e.: we're prepping ...