
Showing posts from February 9, 2020

February 10-17, 2020

Oh my gosh this season is scurrying by!!! My brain is in panic mode as I just feel like we don't have enough time to get it all done!!! A HUGE shout out to the crew that volunteered Saturday afternoon to teach the Junior Forest Warden's how to ski. Coach Doris had only kind words to say about you all!! " I appreciated all their help - Troy diving in a snow bank to rescue a man who skied off the trail, Nigel for being such a good leader, Lauren for being so encouraging and helping a young boy navigate a hill, Seamus for being patient with the slower skiers, and Darien for also being encouraging!   Thanks also to mom Jennifer for helping put skis away, and Grandpa Charlie for keeping the fire going." -Doris WOW!! You all make me proud on and off of the snow! Congratulations to Lara with her Volleyball this weekend and to anyone else doing other cool stuff!! You guys are awesome! :) _________________________________ IMPORTANT:   Alberta Winter Games meeting AFTE...