Dec 29- January 4, 2015
Happy New Year!!!! Great job crew on getting the worst practice of the year complete! It's all smoother trails from here!:D With Christmas behind us and lots ahead please remember to go for some long slow skis with friends/ family/ random people... But have fun too!! Important! Please confirm that you will be attending Westerns/AB Cup 5&6 with me ASAP please! Tuesday - Skate practice. Bring a headlamp. water bottle and your great attitude!!! Thursday - Happy New Year!! No practice Saturday - Classic practice- the forecast says -25... let's hope it changes between now and then! Long slow ski- the usual cold weather day ski... Sunday - 6 Pac #2- classic race, mass start I believe- keep an eye on the temperatures as the race will be cancelled if it's -20 or colder by noon on Sunday. Race start is 2:00pm; registration closes at 1:30, please be there in advance prepping your skis (if you need assistance please email or call Claire) remember that it takes close ...