March 1-7, 2021.
There are quite a few changes to training times and location, please pay attention to the details! Congratulations to those who participated in the skiathlon!! Fastest transition time goes to the entire team for cleaning up that stadium in record time!!! I couldn't believe that I was driving off 10 min after the last racer went through the stadium. Awesome job team, parents and coaches! Thank you for a great Saturday and a special thank you to the Jackrabbits who had their lessons postponed just for us to be able to have our event. Super awesome team work all around! *Don't forget to fill in your form please! ________________________ Tuesday : Classic- Birkie Ski with a twist! MEET IN THE NORTH PARKING LOT- EVERYONE FOR A 5:45 START . My old race team challenged ourselves to do the virtual 13.1km Birkie this past weekend. So we took pictures of ourselves out there and posted our times within our old gang (we live all over Canada now). Now, you g...